October 7: Okra, Green Beans and a Sweet Pepper

Maybe it’s no big deal, but I want to note how late I keep harvesting garden produce I planted this summer.  The other evening for supper we enjoyed a sweet pepper, garlic, onion, green bean, butternut squash stir fry over acini de pepe pasta.  I grew all but the onion and acini de pepe.  The meal was delicious and satisfying, all the more because most came from the garden.

Okra Sunrise, Number 9 (photograph by Argyle Schield)

Did I mention we ate fried okra for appetizers?  The okra continues to grow and produce an abundant amount of fruit.  I planted it late so it took a while to rev up the okra machine but now, it’s chugging away, full-steam ahead.  Every morning for the last week or so I’ve peeked out the kitchen window to see a dozen or so blossoms in the okra patch.  Each blossom becomes an okra, four or five days after the bloom, which means every few days I’ve been able to pick one or two dozen fruits we mostly fry, covered in corn mean, in olive oil.  What a treat, especially sweet one week into October.

Taken at eye level. Many of these October okra plants tower above the gardener himself.


About literarylee

I sling words for a living. Always have, always will. Some have been interesting and fun; most not. These days, I write the fun words early in the morning before the adults are up and make me eat my Cream of Wheat.
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