Category Archives: Daily Sentence

Who says you have to write a novel? Or even an essay? Sometimes a sentence is plenty.

The Story of The Life Literary’s and the Daily Sentence’s Conception and Birth

August 28, 2009 Today I rushed to the Kennedy Center to get stuck there during a rain.  Black clouds sailed into view.  Lightning flashed.  The storm approached rapidly, but I made it ahead of the rain.  Naughty fellow, rushing away from … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Sentence, Living Literarily, The Life Literary, Writing | Leave a comment

A Sentence A Day Gives a Blog Much to Say

I got an email from someone who discovered  Carrot and Honey, my other blog, and sent me the following email: Hello! I stumbled across your blog and noticed your “contact me” section.  There, you indicated that you are willing to … Continue reading

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One Month – 21 Sentences

This idea is a winner.  After one month of keeping a calendar journal, I have collected 21 sentences describing events, ideas and memories from over the last 31 days.  Though only one month has passed, I’m surprised to discover I … Continue reading

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Keep a Calendar Journal– Part 2

Keep a Calendar Journal Part 1 So why would someone want to keep a journal on a calendar, writing a sentence a day for two, four, five or even seven days a week?  Here are a few reasons: 1. At … Continue reading

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Keep a Calendar Journal – Part 1

Listen up!  This idea is a winner, a very doable and fun way to add a few thoughtful words to your life.  It’s easy.  I’m adding this to all the other word things I am already doing in 2012.  You could … Continue reading

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Hark! Hark! Commuter Song

Hark!  Listen!  Do you hear it?  Commuter song rings through the bus.  I hear the sweet-cynical laughing chitter-chatter of jovial workers traveling to the Federal mines, endless warrens of office after office after office, sunless caves they burrow into day after … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Sentence, Whitecaps on the Potomac | Leave a comment

Still Going Strong

September 27, 2011 Picked a dozen or so okra, a creamy yellow sweet pepper, a mess of green beans and two cucumbers today near the end of September.  The Lorelei continues to produce, continues to pump out the produce and … Continue reading

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Approaching Armada

Tall clouds loomed high in the west, an approaching armada, sails furled purposefully.  The rising sun touched the topmost sheets, painting them a faint pink, mauve, a splash of bright against the blue sky above and the steely gray below, … Continue reading

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The Quiet

No music of our own, we listened to the quiet which wasn’t so quiet once we listened awhile.

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Gold for the Taking

I’ve never seen the river like this before.  Here at a wide stretch just south of the airport that sits on its banks, the water is a huge, swollen lake, ponderous from a week of rain.  The ample waters reflect … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Sentence, Whitecaps on the Potomac | Leave a comment