This idea is a winner. After one month of keeping a calendar journal, I have collected 21 sentences describing events, ideas and memories from over the last 31 days. Though only one month has passed, I’m surprised to discover I enjoy reminiscing back. How much fun will it be after six months? One year? Here are some samples of sentences I wrote:
January 6: On a one-night camping date on an unseasonably warm moonlit January evening, we had martinis, hamburgers, and the place to ourselves
January 14: The house got blessed in the morning, and its inhabitants ate luscious sirloin in the evening.
January 26: Pre-Super Bowl tour and lunch with mom and dad.
January 29: “Keep doing what you’re doing, one minute at a time, until you can’t possibly do it any more.”
January 30: Further healing, this time on a monastic forest walk by springs, a waterfall, and a river.
I’m not only writing these with real ink on an actual calendar but also with cyber ink on a Google calendar. You could do either, whichever suits your lifestyle and disposition.
Words have power: they create, they record, they delight. Keeping a calendar journal, writing one sentence per day for two, three, four or more days per week is an easy way to add a few significant ones into your life.
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