A 50 Something Man Prepares for a Doctor’s Appointment

Or almost dying
I’d like to know
But sick of trying.

Sorting out
Symp-toms diverse
To help, I thought
I’d write this verse.

Is that ache
behind my thigh
a signal I’m
about to die?

Does pain and tingling
in my face,
mean I’ll soon leave
the human race?

See my swollen
little finger
Will I go or
will I linger?

Pitter patter
in my chest
No big deal, or
in peace I’ll rest?

That dull pain in
abdomen mine,
maybe cancer or
maybe fine.

Discomfort centered
in my head
course’s par
or pretty soon dead?

Doc, d’ya think
I’m in big trouble,
leaving feet first
on the double?

Is my ending
untimely, near
These last few days:
precious, dear?

What’s that you say,
(tell me no lies)
I just need some

I’m really doing
pretty good?
Just eat and live
the way I should?

Gosh thank you doc
I’m satisfied,
but what’s that pain
that’s in my side?

About literarylee

I sling words for a living. Always have, always will. Some have been interesting and fun; most not. These days, I write the fun words early in the morning before the adults are up and make me eat my Cream of Wheat.
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