Why all this talk of gardens and weddings and life in far-flung places?

A brief word concerning writing about the stuff of life.

The Life Literary’s goal is to be a cafeteria of ideas for living literarily, which is living in a way that celebrates and enjoys words.  These ideas, thoroughly chopped, mixed, fried and baked in the Life Literary Test Kitchens, are doable things anybody could try and maybe even make into a habit.

One way the word chefs at TLL accomplish the goal is to describe things a person can do to stir a dash of word into his or her life.   For example, you could write about the things you do.  Is travel your thing?  Maybe you like knitting.  Mountain climbing?  Cooking?  Natural health?  Whatever it is, you can write about it.  You could write a paragraph or you could write an essay.  Maybe keep a journal about what you do, or a blog.  Go ahead: you could even write a book.  Write whatever amount is comfortable; just write.  It’s one way of living literarily.

Another way this blog promotes literary behavior is to actually serve up dishes of writing about places I’ve lived and things I’ve done and do.  I have lived in fascinating cities such as Bombay and Jerusalem.  I love to garden.  I married off my daughter.  I wrote (and am writing now) about each of these unique and hopefully interesting things.  It’s one part of how I live literarily: cooking up essays and stories and setting them in the steam table for you to sample.

That’s why all this talk of gardens, of Jerusalem and Bombay, of my daughter’s marriage and more.

About literarylee

I sling words for a living. Always have, always will. Some have been interesting and fun; most not. These days, I write the fun words early in the morning before the adults are up and make me eat my Cream of Wheat.
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