Maybe Literary Isn’t Quite the Word I’m Looking For

I’ve been thinking about this blog lately and am wondering if I named it usefully.  Sure, it’s a sweet piece of alliteration, The Life Literary.  It’s also convoluted or backwards in a slightly poetic way.  You would expect to find the adjective before the noun (The Literary Life) instead of the reverse as I have written it.

I worry and wonder if the title is too elite-sounding, too high-falutin’, too New Yorker magazine or New York Review of Books.  I want to be writing things that a wide range of people can enjoy and get ideas from.  To be sure, I sometimes wish I had become a literary professional, was well versed in both classic and modern books, and earned my bread teaching and writing literature.  Living the life I have lived, I have at least found ways to make the joy of good words, with all their power to deepen, to heal, to entertain, an important part of my life.

My goals for this blog are the same:

  • The first goal is to share ideas for adding words to life, making the joy, the fun, the deepening and healing power of words available and accessible to anyone, from non-literary professionals like me to the pros: editors, teachers, writers.  I have loved words all my life and am compiling the many things I have done to simply enjoy them.  From writing in a journal, to collecting words, from making puns to writing essays, from memorizing poems to writing my own, and many more word things to do, my first goal with this blog is to compile them here in one place.
  • The other goal is to provide a forum for my own writing: essays, puns, memoir, description, poetry and more.

I think I’m going to start saying it differently.  I’m not going to change the title of the blog, for now, but here are some ideas of how I’ll talk about it:

Words for their own sake.
Words for words’ sake.
Words: For the fun of it.
Words Just Because.
To Simply Enjoy Words
Wording the World
Worlding Words

I guess I could call the blog, The Worded Life, or The Life Worded, but maybe that would be going a bit too far.  For now, I’ll keep setting down all the ways, both simple and complex, that a person could enjoy words simply for the sake of enjoying words.   And, I’ll keep writing here as I, too, live the worded life.

About literarylee

I sling words for a living. Always have, always will. Some have been interesting and fun; most not. These days, I write the fun words early in the morning before the adults are up and make me eat my Cream of Wheat.
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